ADI’s 20th Anniversary Gala Dinner
A night of dinner, drinks, music, and views to celebrate ADI’s 20-year anniversary of improving health in PNG!
ADI invites you to join us on our 20th anniversary celebration, and to support our ongoing mission of a healthier PNG. What began as Dr. Peter Macdonald’s vision of supporting rural health services via essential aid has now grown into a multi-provincial operation designed for long-term change and sustainability. Our programs now cover healthcare capacity building, immunisations, maternal health, and research working in collaboration with Provincial Health Authorities. Join us to celebrate how far we’ve come, and to support our ongoing mission of improving rural healthcare systems in PNG.
Date: Friday, 11th November 2022
Time: 6pm till late
Location: The Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron, 33 Peel St Kirribilli
Dress: Pacific Formal
Ticket price: $175 pp. + EventBrite fees
Your generous ticket donation will cover
- Canapés made by the talented catering staff at The Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron
- A delectable two course dinner
- Beer, wine, and soft drinks
- Auction of beautiful locally made PNG art
- Stunning views of yachts returning from Friday Twilights on the Sydney Harbour Races